Information about the personal data controller and the scope, methods and purposes of processing personal data

When exchanging electronic correspondence with an email server in the ‘’ domain, you provide us with some personal data, for example in the form of your name, surname, email address or telephone number. At this moment the processing of this data by B-think Audit sp. z o.o. begins, on the terms described below.

Pursuant to art. 14 sec. 1 of the General Regulation on the Protection of Personal Data of 27 April 2016 (O.J. EU L 119/1, 4/05/2016, hereinafter referred to as the “Regulation”), I inform you that the controller of your personal data will be B-think Audit sp. z o.o. address: ul. Św.Michała 43, 61-119 Poznań, National Court Register [KRS] number 610084 (hereinafter referred to as the “Controller”). Contact with the Controller is possible via correspondence to the address given above or in electronic form sent to the following address:

The Controller will process the following categories of your personal data: name and surname, contact details (e-mail, telephone number, data related to other forms of electronic communication), data of the entity for which you work with the address and contact details of this entity. If the Controller receives other personal information from you, it may also process it for the purposes indicated below.

Your personal data will be used by the Controller only for the purpose of:

The legal basis for the processing of your personal data will be the need to fulfill the Controller’s obligations under the law, as well as the legitimate interests of the Controller, consisting in cooperation with the entity for which you work and the Controller’s implementation of tasks related to the business.

Your personal data will be made available to persons working for the Controller and under its control, as well as may be made available to external entities providing accounting and human resources services, quality management services, management services, and legal services.

Your personal data will be processed by the Controller for: (i) the period of cooperation between you and the Controller, or (ii) the period of cooperation between the Controller and the entity for which you work, or (iii) the period during which the use of your personal data was related to the provision of services by the Controller to its clients. Your personal data will also be stored after this period for the period required by applicable law or the period needed by the Controller to protect or assert its rights.

At any time, you have the right to access your personal data and rectification, supplementation, deletion, restricting their processing, the right to transfer data, the right to raise objections and the right to withdraw prior consent to the processing of personal data. The consent withdrawn at any time does not affect the compliance of the data processing with the law, which was made on the basis of the consent granted by you prior to its withdrawal.

You have the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory body (the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection), if you decide that the processing of your personal data within the scope of this consent violates the provisions of the Regulation.

Services / Advisory / Due diligence

Due diligence

The term "financial due diligence" refers to both the verification of the financial statements in accordance with the accounting regulations applicable at the time of analysis and the accounting policies adopted by the company's management, as well as the broadly understood investigations into the business aspects, which are conducted based on the company's financial reporting.

We possess specialized knowledge in the field of finance, accounting, controlling, financial statement analysis, and business valuation, enabling us to provide an accurate assessment of the economic and financial condition of a given entity.

We conduct detailed analyses covering all significant areas to offer our clients a comprehensive picture of the potential partner's situation. In doing so, we protect their interests and support them in making optimal business decisions.

Our process

What our process looks like?


Defining the Scope of Investigation

At the outset, we precisely outline the goals and scope of due diligence in collaboration with the client. This allows tailoring the analysis to their needs and business objectives.

Data Gathering

We collect all necessary financial and accounting documentation from the potential partner: financial statements, forecasts, budgets, contracts, invoices, cost and revenue data, etc.

Data Verification

Szczegółowo weryfikujemy zgromadzone dane pod kątem poprawności, realności i zgodności z przyjętymi standardami.

In-depth Analysis

We conduct a comprehensive financial analysis in key areas: profitability, financial liquidity, indebtedness, asset value, growth potential, and engage in clarifying discussions with decision-makers within the examined entity.

Risk and Opportunity Identification

Based on the conducted analysis, we identify critical observations, potential risks, and opportunities associated with the transaction.

Final Report

We prepare a detailed report summarizing the due diligence findings and recommendations for the client.

Advisory and Support

Upon project completion, we remain available to the client, offering guidance on matters related to the investigation results.
Arrange your free initial consultation today.

For 22 years, we have been trusted partners for our clients. We provide the right solutions, building a strong, stable position for both micro-enterprises and large companies.

Therefore, we most likely have the answers to your question

Your benefits

We drive growth and achieve goals

Quality and Professionalism

We ensure reliability and the highest standard of conducting due diligence. Our advisors are professionals specialized in various fields, enabling us to effectively tackle the most complex tasks together. We provide access to up-to-date knowledge and practical skills essential for conducting due diligence.

Risk Minimization

Thorough analysis helps avoid erroneous decisions and financial losses associated with misguided investments or unfavorable transactions. We mitigate the risk of hidden financial issues with partners.

Accurate Financial Snapshot

Comprehensive due diligence provides a full and in-depth view of the current financial condition of a potential business partner. It also allows an assessment of the realism of its development prospects.

Optimal Business Decision

We deliver reliable and verified data, upon which sound business decisions related to investments, mergers, and acquisitions can be based.

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